Leads and Google Ads: how to increase website traffic

25 April 2022

Lead and Google Ads are a winning combination for your business.

Google Ads is the Google advertising platform that allows you to publish promotional texts, visual banners, advertisements on web platforms to get direct traffic from clicks on these elements.


Google Ads is one of the most effective ways to drive qualified traffic or customers interested in your business.

Through campaigns you can increase your website traffic, receive more phone calls or even increase visits to your physical store.

Increasing traffic to your virtual front door is the best way to grow and thrive online.

With Google Ads, you can create and show ad hoc ads to your target audience.

Your ad will then appear on the search engine results page (SERP) as your potential customers search Google with a certain query.

Google Ads campaigns

There are several types of Google Ads campaigns:

Campaign in search networks

Campaigns that allow text ads to be shown on search engine results pages and are displayed when keywords are relevant to a user’s search.

Campaign on the Display Network

The Display Network helps reach users while they are browsing websites or in their email.

Google claims that the two million websites on its Display Network are useful for reaching 90% of Internet visitors.

The ads are not only textual, but also graphic and interactive, with images and short animations able to stimulate the attention of those who surf the web more.

Shopping campaign

Useful for showing the products of your e-commerce on Google Shopping.

It allows you to promote online inventory and available products with the aim of increasing traffic to your website and finding more qualified leads.

Video campaign

Made up of actual videos that appear on YouTube and the Google Display Network.

They are divided into three categories:

  • TrueView in-stream (displayed before, during or after other videos on YouTube, on websites, in games and apps on the Display Network)
  • Discovery TrueView (shown to users searching for content related to their products)
  • Bumper ads (short videos that are shown to different users to make your brand known to a wider audience).

App campaigns

Used to advertise apps (ads are designed in a variety of formats and networks).

Lead e Google Ads

What goals to achieve?

With Google Ads it is possible to set different goals

  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand consideration: in case of need, the user will remember a certain brand.
  • Traffic: when the user performs an action and lands with a click on the sponsored landing page.
  • Lead generation: in addition to the click, the customer must also leave his data.
  • Sale: the conversion takes place when the user concludes a purchase.
  • App Promo: the user viewing the ad is invited to download the brand App.

Leads and Google Ads can therefore be two aspects to consider in order to get the best out of your business.
