Sponsor your site: how the content posted can help you

26 April 2022

Sponsor your website with content.

The content strategy refers to any type of content used: text, video, visual, audio.

It must have a very specific and planned purpose.

When developing a content strategy to sponsor your site, there are 2 things to consider:

  • your target audience
  • to which and how many segments of the public you want to refer to.

Sponsor your site through content: some tips.

Doing content marketing can be one of the best ways to increase brand awareness within a certain audience or prospect segment.

Being able to communicate to your target in a correct and targeted way how your products or services can solve the problems (job to be done) for which they are hiring you.

With only one difference compared to the old marketing models based on outbound and interruption: in this case, the user is looking for you, and not the other way around.

You must therefore be able to be found and captured!

sponsorizzare il tuo sito

How to do content marketing the right way to sponsor your site

First of all, it is necessary to define targets, objectives and related performance measures.

Depending on the chosen goal, the KPIs also change:

  • for sales, the impact of a campaign on orders will have to be examined,
  • for leads, the number of qualified leads obtained
  • for traffic, the number of visitors attracted to your site thanks to the content produced.

Another aspect that should not be underestimated is the knowledge of your target audience: understanding who your buyer persona is helps you to understand the priorities, needs and expectations of those who hang out in your sector and will allow you to understand what the more suitable content to submit to him.

Once you have identified who your target audience is and what they want, it is time for you to be found when they search for information on that topic online, through keywords on search engines.

The priority therefore becomes the creation of content that is Google friendly with keywords of interest and elements (meta description, meta title, image alt tags, etc.) intended to enrich the page to sponsor your site.

Importance of images and videos

Here are some data that best express the importance of images and videos to capture your target audience:

  • Most of the information transmitted in the human brain, about 90%, is visual
  • numerous researches claim that the human brain is capable of processing images 60,000 times faster
  • the images proposed to us have a very profound effect on us, far superior to textual content
  • on social networks, the engagement rate is much higher for visual content
  • more than half of the users who view a page spend less than 15 seconds on it, the goal is therefore to capture the public in such a short period of time, and visual content is the best resource to do so
  • it is assumed that in the future about 80% of communication will be based on visual content, including Social Media, Websites and Videos.