European Calls for Digital Transformation

The European Calls for Digital Transformation represent significant opportunities for companies in the digital sector: Webateca, an innovative SME, is able to participate in partnerships or offer services with high technological value as well as assisting Web Agencies, Software Houses and Freelancers in their management of internal and external projects (customer management).

European funds are an important resource for the financing of projects, investments and infrastructures at national, regional and local level, and at the same time contribute to the pursuit of the objectives and priorities of the European Union in terms of well-being and development.

These are tools that have been used with increasing intensity since the birth of the European Community and which, over time, have been constantly strengthened and refined. Today they represent a vast and heterogeneous world, where it is possible to find opportunities for development, growth and training.

Within the European funds, a first distinction can be made between sectoral funds (directly managed) and structural funds (indirectly managed).

Among the first there are the European programs, managed and provided directly by the European Commission, through its General Directions. These are programs of a “political” and transnational nature, which often require the participation of partners from different European countries. Examples of European programs include Horizon2020 (an innovation and research program) and Erasmus + (focusing on education / training, youth and international mobility).

The Structural Funds are the main instruments of cohesion policy: they are funds intended for the various European regions, according to their level of development. It is then up to the various local, state and regional authorities to prepare the Operational Programs and set up the Managing Authority in charge of managing the funds.

  • what are the advantages of European calls and how companies in our sector and their customers can also benefit from them

By involving Webateca in the project, the client can count on a solid experience in project management, both regional and international, and on a specialized team that will take care of the necessary project management activities throughout the project life cycle from the presentation of the proposal to the final report.

  • Webateca is able to participate in partnerships, be a supplier and carry out all project management and bureaucracy activities

Depending on the projects and needs, Webateca can therefore participate in projects as Lead Partner / Partner with the customer, be a supplier and / or act as a consultant with project management tasks.
