PR solutions developers

16 April 2022

What can PR developers propose to public relations professionals? Designing software to help them manage their businesses efficiently.

In a PR agency there are many functions to organize and harmonize but above all it is essential to interact efficiently with contacts, plan, manage, distribute and track campaigns.

We know that the great advantage of software on the web is that it does not need any installation software on users’ computers, who can therefore interact from any location and workstation.

After all, the solutions offered by the software on the web are many but above all customizable and adaptable to the single agency and therefore will have to meet your helpdesk and project management needs: in practice you will have to organize and manage your workflow from a single desk.

First of all, developers of PR solutions must understand your needs and the objectives you intend to achieve and then insert them on a software that fully responds to your wishes and that is a real solution to your agency problems: in other words, simplify your work and optimize the production processes.

You will definitely need to build a position for your online brand and connect your best media content with your most valuable media contacts.

As said initially, the activities in the PR agency are truly multiple and complex: publishing press releases, managing multilingual content, interfacing with the team, branding and much more.

Simplifying your communications workflow and making your team more autonomous is a priority: so you’ll need an easy-to-use platform built for your employees.

Sviluppatori di soluzioni PR

Given that PR software is often related to marketing automation software and online campaign software, PR developers as such will need to offer an all-in-one PR management tool that includes:

  • integrated contact manager
  • content editor and press releases
  • online newsroom
  • e-mail campaign
  • manager address
  • collection digital asset management
  • management of newspaper clippings
  • campaign management
  • sending e-mails
  • print monitoring

In addition to these basic functionalities, the software will also have to offer those to help public relations professionals make decisions in the face of information and objective elements such as media monitoring, competitive media analysis, broadcast solutions and media information retrieval solutions.

Of course, PR developers will also need to include budgeting, accounting, and customer communication capabilities to help PR professionals maintain strong external relationships.

It is important to share projects with the entire team and therefore the software must facilitate this functionality.

Just as it is appropriate for public relations agencies to discuss and share projects with their stakeholders and collaborate with clients.

It will be possible to increase efficiency with a system differentiated by levels / functions, for which each will only see what concerns him.

In addition, you will be able to view the workload of your resources and easily redistribute activities for optimal time management and distribution of work between teams and members.

Do you see how much and how developers of PR solutions can improve your life and business efficiency?
