Web Agency

13 April 2022

Web Agencies provide digital, advertising and marketing services based on the strategic use of the Web. Companies turn to them to develop online business and increase turnover or make the most of business growth opportunities thanks to the web and the Internet.

Companies that want to take advantage of the internet and the web for their online marketing activities are rarely able to manage them independently with internal staff.

They usually need external support from specialized agencies – web agencies – in the creation of sites, apps or web marketing.

A good Web Agency must be able to optimize the resources invested in online visibility campaigns in order to increase the traffic to the site of target users, thus maximizing the return on investment.

All the activities carried out allow the creation and maintenance of an adequate web presence for the customer, a presence formed by the set of individual actions that materialize in every situation (before, during and after the purchase), through any online form (computer, tablet and smartphone) with timeliness and relevance.

We said that the Web Agency deals with the web development of its clients. Web development actually means a wide range of activities: from the creation and management of a website to the creation of a Facebook page, to SEO writing.

For this, many professionals are needed that intersect and complete the picture that represents what is offered to the customer.

Web Agency

What does a Web Agency do?

Trying to simplify, let’s see what a Web Agency does:

– Creation of websites

From the simplest, such as a one-page site, to more complex and feature-rich sites or e-commerce solutions, online sales.

Naturally, each project must be tailored to the real needs of the customer and enriched with all the functions necessary to achieve the objectives.

From the preliminary study to the creation of customized graphics, the Web Agency will take care of everything needed to build a professional, strong and well-organized online presence.

Once the site has been created, specific support must also be provided in updating the web pages and maintaining the site.

– Marketing, SEO and Google Ads campaigns

The skills of the Web Agency also include all activities aimed at improving the visibility of the site on the web.

Then the creation of marketing campaigns and, for online sales, Google Ads.

Obviously, the positioning of a company’s pages and products in search engines is also a very important aspect: therefore, the intervention of SEO writers, professionals specialized in writing who know how to write for the web and create texts suitable for the algorithms of the engines, is necessary of research. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is precisely the process of optimizing content with the aim of making it suitable for recognition on search engines.

– Presence on social media

Another strategic activity provided by the Web Agency is Social Media Marketing which includes the management of the presence on social media.

The care of the corporate image on social networks embraces many aspects. It starts with the choice of platforms and the image and content that you want to use to get to the creation of a community that interacts and shares the content created: this also requires continuous development and monitoring.

Therefore it is understood how diversified professional figures work in Web Agencies capable of managing the different communication and digital advertising channels.

It is important to choose your Web Agency carefully: after all, it will be the digital arm of your company.
