Why is content on a website so important?

12 September 2019

With the evolution of the Web and the increase in competition, organic positioning on search engines and paid ones are increasingly onerous and the User Experience can reduce the incidence of cost per click (both paid and organic).

And from here you can already understand why content on a website is so important.

As is known, by User Experience we mean the set of perceptions, reactions and emotions that a person experiences when interfacing with the web.

It is therefore expressed in the degree of subjective adherence between the user’s expectations and the satisfaction of his needs, during the interaction with the web, whether on a desktop or on a mobile device.

The main goal is to create pages that:

  • reflect the needs of users;
  • are effective and efficient with respect to specific objectives;
  • provide an experience that is not only useful, but also highly enjoyable and satisfying.

Thus, the contents of a website are fundamental tools for optimizing the User Experience, namely:

  • increase the percentage of users entering a specific web page;
  • increase the percentage of users who convert from visitors into customers;
  • decrease the percentage of users who leave the page due to comprehension of the texts;
  • increase user satisfaction, consequently his loyalty;
  • optimize the positioning of the site on search engines.

This is why content on a website is so important, a real key factor, and it is essential to ensure:

  • quality
  • relevance
  • completeness
  • usability
  • support elements.

In particular, in view of the specific objectives of the page, the following aspects of the contents that allow the user to move quickly and intuitively must be evaluated:

. competence

. authority

. reliability

which are the basis of Google’s indexing system, the undisputed access point of each user’s navigation.

The research on the usability of web pages serves companies to collect information on user needs, identify any problems and above all improve the contents to make them more interesting and engaging in the eyes of users.

Most of the usability tests focus on analyzing the interface of the pages, however equally important are the contents that people consider to evaluate whether a page is right for them or not. Consequently, it is essential to develop an evaluation plan for the content elements as well.

This is possible by researching the ways of reading of people, ways of interpreting and accessing content.

Furthermore, it has been shown that users read on the web in a different way from print: it is therefore the case not to be influenced by what seems intuitive and rather try to make choices consistent with the needs of the specific case.
